
At Glendon we have tons of clubs, that suit all sorts of needs and interests! One of the great things about our community is how connected we are; in real life and on the web. I decided to put together a little list of Glendon clubs that have an online presence! Ch-ch-check them out!

  • Glendon College Student Union, our union that looks after all the clubs and social events at Glendon and advocates for student rights! Check out their official website
  • Glendon Conservatives, a collection of students who support the Conservative party! Here's their website!
  • Glendon Liberals, students that have an interest in supporting the Liberal party! Here's their Facebook group!
  • Glendon NDP, an upcoming group that will get its start come September! Fear not New Democratics, there's a club for you too! 
  • Glendon Francophone Union is a club that promotes Francophone culture through movie nights and other social events!
  • Lion Heart Productions is the new drama club on campus that aims to produce plays involving Lionhearts and will be running the annual Fridge Festival!
  • GLgbt*, Glendon's queer/ally group on campus that promotes an inclusive environment for all students no matter what their sexual orientation! They also host movie nights and other social events throughout the year! Here is their Facebook group!
  • Glendon Queer Support, a group that meets on a monthly basis to help LGBTQ* students discuss problems/issues that face the community and them as individuals.
  • Lunik Co-op, the student-run co-operative cafe on campus that promotes alternative, vegan, and organic food! Check them out on Facebook!
  • Eastern European Club is a group that promotes and educates about Eastern European culture! Here's their Facebook group!
  • Traffic Is For Cars Not Children, a non-profit organization that advocates for the end of child trafficking and educates the campus!
  • YES+ is a global movement that promotes leadership and social consciousness; and we have a chapter here at Glendon! They're also on Facebook
  • Protem is our very own bilingual newspaper! Read them online with their Tumblr!
  • Radio Glendon is the campus radio station run by students! Listen to them online on their website! 
  • Glendon Improv Club, a group that participates in improv activities at meetings and even does occasional performances at open mic nights; check them out on Facebook!
  • Glendon Model United Nations is a club that learns about the workings of the United Nations, their role in our world and then participates in Model United Nations conferences!

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