Wednesday, October 19, 2011

A Space For Students and By Students.

So while this picture may seem like a staged picture for a TV show series, or something of the sort, this is a moment captured in time of pure happiness, joy and laughter. And all this can be experienced at Lunik Cafe....
Okay, let's cut the cheese. This is me and 3 of my friends just being complete utter dorks (and perhaps a disturbance)... But we are actually at Lunik Cafe which is an awesome new, up-and-coming space at Glendon.

I'm actually sitting in Lunik Cafe as I write this, and I'll describe my surroundings. Our Project Coordinater (@notreallykaela) is taking pictures of two of our volunteer "Superintendent Generals" (the lovely people that will show you around) as they walk around Lunik blowing bubbles. Numerous groups of friends sit around chatting enjoying the calm ambiance as The Beatles serenade them over the sound system. (I'm a little biased towards the music selection as it is my iPod connected to the system). Students sit as they study for their midterms, or do their readings for their upcoming lectures. Lunik is essentially a space for students, for whatever they need; a place to hang out, a place to study. Just earlier today the Hispanic Club booked the space for their Leyendas night of telling Spanish ghost stories for October 26th at 5 (We'll still function as a regular cafe though!)

Lunik Co-Op Cafe is a co-operative initiative that every single student at Glendon is automatically a part of. For each credit a student is enrolled in, a 90 cent levy is paid towards Lunik to help renovate the space and provide healthy, alternative, organic and ethical teas, coffee and baked goods. Our current tea selection is from David's Tea. There's everything from soothing Green tea, to even Carrot Cake and Apple Pie flavoured teas. My absolute favourite however, is the Glitter and Gold tea. It actually sparkles as it brews because of gold sugar crystals that is in the tea leaves.

The work that the Lunik Team has done to the space in the last month and a half as been tremendous, as they have completely changed the layout of the space and now have regular open hours (Mon-Fri, 12-6). The energy of Lunik really is a co-operative one, as "patrons" are invited to brew their own tea, and wash their own dishes. Coffee and Tea is only 50 cents, and it also offers baked goods that are vegan, organic and not to mention delicious.

Now some may be skeptical about these "vegan" muffins... and I was too. I'll admit it. I thought it'd be lacking in flavour and leave me wanting more. However, I was wrong. I now have to resist the urge to spend my change on the muffins, cookies and squares every time I come into Lunik.

The payment system works on a trust system. If you forgot to grab some change on your way here, just bring it next time. They charge at cost, so you don't have to worry about the prices being marked up or being more expensive just because it's "organic."

I could go on for pages and pages talking about how great Lunik is, but ultimately, you need to just stop by, bring either a friend, some homework or a book and have a cup of tea. I guarantee you'll fall in love instantly, and want to come back. If you want more info about Lunik check out the Facebook Page or follow the Twitter Account (tweeted by yours truly)! Also here's Esther's opinion and input on Lunik! Hope to see you there!


  1. I've been hearing so much about Lunik, I definitely have to check it out this week!

  2. Hallo, I'm still confused as to where it is (excuse my first year noobness). Is it in the basement of Glendon Hall? :O

  3. That's alright! I'm a first year too and I didn't know where it was for a bit either!
    It is in the basement! Go into the manor and there are signs directing you! :)
